Trivia I Need

ColourLovers post­ed a list of all 120 Cray­ola cray­on col­ors and their (approx­i­mate) hex and RGB codes. The list was com­plied by Aaron at Col​orSchemer​.com. I am now going to waste sev­er­al hours cre­at­ing a cus­tom Pho­to­shop palette of these … 

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Garden Report

We’re build­ing a lot of stone walls this year. When we first had the lawns and beds installed we did­n’t have the time and mon­ey to build the bed walls that we want­ed so we used the black plas­tic edging … 

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Clever Packaging

On my way back to my inter­rupt­ed vaca­tion in Oax­a­ca I had the chance to upgrade my DFW to MEX flight to busi­ness class. I *love* busi­ness class. The only thing bet­ter than the leg room is the refuge from … 

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so the oth­er day as i was look­ing through some of the thou­sands of fold­ers of pho­tos we have i found this one. oth­er than the catchy rhyme it’s a lousy sign. i just want to know who they (the peo­ple who … 

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