For Christmas this year we got ourselves a couple of game camaras so that we could get a better look at the animals ( including neighbors) who are using the network of trails that goes through our woods. (People out here in the West usually call what we’ve got forest. But I’m old school and from the East, where the 20 acres that we’ve got would be called a Woods. So Woods it is for me.)
The cameras are a pair of Browning Strike Force (BTC‑5). We got a two pack on sale. They take daylight color photos and nighttime infra-red. They can also shoot video but we haven’t experimented with that yet.
Each photo comes with a bunch of data at the bottom. Temperature, moonphase (useful at night) date and time, as well as a settable camera name. We have one that’s unnamed and one that’s named BDF TWO.
Pretty typical in the daytime photos are the deer. This was taken at the intersection of the two main paths to the immediate south of the logging road.

We also get other people’s dogs. Anyone know this fellow?

The night pictures can be pretty — shots of the deer browsing or traveling to sleeping spots. I’m thinking that the next time we move the cameras I’ll try to find a frequently used sleeping spot for one of them.
This spot is off of the path back to the garage. It’s at the junction of two deer trails that can’t easily be walked by humans.

A few minutes later another deer comes by.

Late in April we had a new night visitor.
It’s the first sighting of the bobcat that we thought might be hanging around. (Look at the lower center of the frame.)

Note the short tail with the dark tip.

We’ve had no sign of the bear that was here last winter. Maybe he and the bobcat aren’t amenable to sharing turf?
Well, we did find this Bear.

And here Jim is walking the dog in the morning before it’s light enough for the camera to switch to daytime. (Yeah, it says 8:45 but I think the camera missed daylight savings time — besides it stays dark in the woods.)

For some reason (camera timing?) we get lots of butts.

The two most common butts in the woods. Me and the Big G.