In the Woods

We moved the game cam­eras to new loca­tions two week­ends ago.

This one we thought was a sleep­ing area.

1150:060515:59F:BDF ONE   :5
1150:060515:59F:BDF ONE :5

But a cou­ple of weeks of obser­va­tion reveals nothing.

The oth­er cam­era was placed at the south end of the sep­tic field. An open area sur­round­ed by for­est and home to at least one bun­ny colony. Which explains the pres­ence of this fellow.

1207:060415:54F:BDF TWO   :5
1207:060415:54F:BDF TWO :5

He gets a close up.

1207:060415:54F:BDF TWO   :5
1207:060415:54F:BDF TWO :5

We’ve also got the required butts. This one is espe­cial­ly graphic.

1905:061315:59F:BDF TWO   :7
1905:061315:59F:BDF TWO :7

And a nice shot of the neigh­bor’s dogs hav­ing a bit of a romp. Giv­en the time stamps I’d guess that they had pur­sued the deer from their own yard to our woods.

1911:061315:59F:BDF TWO   :7
1911:061315:59F:BDF TWO :7

About the Author
