The first day here in Oaxaca is always a little slow. I’ve been beaten up by the airlines, the altitude change is more than 5000 ft, and there’s the necessary trips for supplies (beer.) Leading to not doing much.
A brief afternoon stroll to try out the new lens was all the ambition I could muster.
We first stopped at the church of Soledad. One of my favorite landmarks.

Then turned around on looked up the street and made a couple of test shots of the new 12 – 24mm and the kit lens (18 – 150mm) that I’ve been using for the last two years.
With the old kit lens — which is still my go-to lens for anything that doesn’t require big zoom. Getting the wide shot here pushes the lens a little too far.

But the new lens takes this sort of back-against-the-wall and hope it all fits in the frame stuff in stride.

A few blocks later it allowed me to capture this novel screeen without having to shot at an angle. Those bright bits are the mesh shopping bags that you see by the dozens in the markets every day.

Sunday is a slow day here. A few hours later the Zocolo will be packed with strolling families and the local band, but this early in the afternoon there’s just not much happening.

Though a hint of the evening’s crowds is here in this lineup of hamburger and hot dog carts on their way to the center of the town.

I spent my time playing with a new lens — but Jim was working hard and got some great images. You can see them on his own blog — observations. Ignore the chimping photographer. le sigh.
[…] here is a link to Lara’s blog post for today: Ms. Shoes […]
Keep up the sweet photos, they’re tempting me to go to Oaxaca next year!