September trip to Oaxaca, Mexico

Well, yes, strict­ly speak­ing it isn’t a motor­cy­cle trip. But this is my pic­ture blog, so you get my Mex­i­co trip here too! enjoy!

We trav­elled yes­ter­day (up at 5am, final­ly here at the casa at around 8pm our time), so today we slacked. Walked to the Zoca­lo and had cap­pu­ci­nos and bought news­pa­pers, then had a nice nap. Around 5 we wan­dered out to take some pic­tures, me with the 18 – 105mm on the D70, and Lara try­ing out her new 12 – 24mm wide angle. Here are a few of mine. I’ll put a link at the bot­tom to Lara’s cho­sen ones from today.

Lara does­n’t care too much for this pic­ture below, but I like the col­or and geom­e­try, so in it goes.

This stair­well runs down the hill, through a bunch of mar­ket stalls. I always love see­ing the geom­e­try here, this pho­to cap­tures a tiny bit of it.



THe weath­er here today was unset­tled, so we had inter­est­ing skies. This is look­ing south­west over the Church of Soledad, just a few blocks from the casa.

we had inter­est­ing sky today.

here is a link to Lara’s blog post for today:
Ms. Shoes

more tomor­row, I think we’re going to walk up to Par­que Jardin and shoot pho­tos. stay cool, cats!


About the Author

Jim Harriger


  1. […] lens — but Jim was work­ing hard and got some great images. You can see them on his own blog — obser­va­tions. Ignore the chimp­ing photographer. […]

  2. David Lee

    It looks beau­ti­ful there!

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