Something new on the cameras

We got a new sight­ing on the cam­eras. The owl. He’s a big guy and we hear him almost every night. He’s also tak­en a chick­en or two. (harumph)

what is he landing on holding? there's no stump there
this is our owl landing
and away he goes
tak­ing off again

The usu­al crowd was also around. Coy­ote, bob­cat, deer, and a bun­ny. No sign of the bears in the mid­dle of the winter.

my profile, I show it to you
look­ing pret­ty good for January
or why all the predator come by
lit­tle rab­bit, bet­ter look out
the bob­cat is also here
who are you looking at?
and a nice shot of the coy­ote — a big boy for sure

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