Return of the Deer…

… and pret­ty much no one else.
We’ve had only a lit­tle bit of snow so far this win­ter. The deer don’t seem to mind. Giz­mo was ecstatic.

do deer like snow as much as dogs?

The buck is back and look­ing bet­ter than ever.

bucky and one of his girls
bucky on the driveway

Lots of oth­er pic­tures of deer brows­ing and what not. Most­ly in the ear­ly evening.

But there aren’t any pic­tures of coy­otes or bears. No bears! Which means that I can put my bird feed­ers out! That’ll cheer up the yard a lot.

And once again the dri­ve­way cam­era gets a bit artis­tic with the zoomy pic­ture of Jim on one of the client project bikes. Did I just notice that he’s not wear­ing a hel­met? He’s in trou­ble now.

Jim takes a spin on the RD350 project bike.

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