Game Cameras — Highlights September

The month start­ed with some real­ly love­ly sum­mer weather.

dig the hawaiian shirt.
pick­ing up the cam­era cards at the begin­ning of the month

The deer are appear­ing; some look­ing bet­ter than oth­ers. There’s still one speck­led fawn — but there isn’t a decent pic­ture of him/her.

sleek- it's sleek, not fat
fall fat
playing tag?
there’s a lot of frol­ick­ing going on
a pair — moth­er and well grown fawn.

The coy­otes are still around. Noth­ing of them on the dri­ve­way this month. But they made the oth­er two cameras. 

down by the manure pile
one coyote - where's the other?
gen­tle­man (?) walk­ing the path

Only one bear sight­ing. I’m sur­prised because we’ve seen a lot of scat. Espe­cial­ly ear­ly in the month on the dri­ve­way. I think this is the sow, sans cubs. Or it might be one of the cubs. They’ve got­ten to be about her size. (The male is a lot bigger.)

the only bear sight­ing this month

And it’s hunt­ing sea­son up here. So…

blaze orange - fashion color?
all the gear all the time does­n’t just refer to the bikes

We had the usu­al col­lec­tion of amus­ing vehi­cles. Bikes that trav­el on the back of lit­tle trucks. 

nice to have a bike that fits on the bumper rack
Jim once again com­ing home from an Observed Trials.

And oth­er bikes that don’t fit into trucks.

so I guess the reflec­tive patch­es on the back of my jack­et work pret­ty well.

and the side of the huge ass motorhome that we bor­rowed to take to a dog tri­al. Ver­dict. Motorhomes are awe­some at dog tri­als. The dog is not impressed. He gets sea­sick in most vehi­cles and this one is worse. (Camp­ing on the oth­er hand is an all time favorite activ­i­ty of his.)

motorhome adventures
Biggest thing on the farm this month.

Once again our neigh­bor begins to do bat­tle with the falling leaves.

valient effort, pointless but...
YoBob does his leaf blow­er thing.

By the end of the month as we went out to pick up the cam­era cards the weath­er had changed sig­nif­i­cant­ly. Not a Hawai­ian shirt to be seen.

so it was a little colder
gath­er­ing the cam­eras cards at the end of the month

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