It’s been a hot, dry August. And the creatures are very active in the woods.
The coyotes are sticking to the path at the bottom of the pasture.

Oops, that’s not a coyote. Ollie on the move.

The deer have been scarce. This is one of the few pictures I’ve gotten. She looks well fed, but no sign of fawns.

Also on the path at the bottom of the pasture. The big bear.

And a rare daylight sighting of Bob.

But mostly we have bears. Many bears. It’s getting out of hand.

Yes, three bears. Where’s Goldilocks when we need her? These may be the small female with two cubs. Or it might three cubs. It certainly isn’t the big very black guy that we’re seeing down by the pasture.

And on the driveway camera. Jim returning from the first trial that he’s ridden since he got that new knee last year.

That’s the highlights from August. Too many bears for my taste, walking in the woods is getting to be hazardous. Meanwhile after one of the driest summers on record, we’re hoping for some rain to green up the pastures. More next month.
I really appreciate your sharing. It looks like those three black bears are syblings.