The month started with some really lovely summer weather.

The deer are appearing; some looking better than others. There’s still one speckled fawn — but there isn’t a decent picture of him/her.

The coyotes are still around. Nothing of them on the driveway this month. But they made the other two cameras.

Only one bear sighting. I’m surprised because we’ve seen a lot of scat. Especially early in the month on the driveway. I think this is the sow, sans cubs. Or it might be one of the cubs. They’ve gotten to be about her size. (The male is a lot bigger.)

And it’s hunting season up here. So…

We had the usual collection of amusing vehicles. Bikes that travel on the back of little trucks.

And other bikes that don’t fit into trucks.

and the side of the huge ass motorhome that we borrowed to take to a dog trial. Verdict. Motorhomes are awesome at dog trials. The dog is not impressed. He gets seasick in most vehicles and this one is worse. (Camping on the other hand is an all time favorite activity of his.)

Once again our neighbor begins to do battle with the falling leaves.

By the end of the month as we went out to pick up the camera cards the weather had changed significantly. Not a Hawaiian shirt to be seen.