What’s in the Woods in August

It’s been a hot, dry August. And the crea­tures are very active in the woods.


The coy­otes are stick­ing to the path at the bot­tom of the pasture.

where's my lunch?
com­ing and going

Oops, that’s not a coy­ote. Ollie on the move.

I already saw you
more com­ing and going — lit­tle dog this time
maybe it's this way?
more com­ing and going

The deer have been scarce. This is one of the few pic­tures I’ve got­ten. She looks well fed, but no sign of fawns.

looking for grass
Ragged Ear

Also on the path at the bot­tom of the pas­ture. The big bear.

looking at you!
Big Bear

And a rare day­light sight­ing of Bob.

nice tail
Bob the Cat

But most­ly we have bears. Many bears. It’s get­ting out of hand.

what's that?
lit­tle bear on the for­est road
where'd you guys go?
lit­tler bear

Yes, three bears. Where’s Goldilocks when we need her? These may be the small female with two cubs. Or it might three cubs. It cer­tain­ly isn’t the big very black guy that we’re see­ing down by the pasture.

which way is lunch?
long shot of the three bears
committee meeting!
a close up

And on the dri­ve­way cam­era. Jim return­ing from the first tri­al that he’s rid­den since he got that new knee last year.

good to have him back in the forest
com­ing home from a trial.

That’s the high­lights from August. Too many bears for my taste, walk­ing in the woods is get­ting to be haz­ardous. Mean­while after one of the dri­est sum­mers on record, we’re hop­ing for some rain to green up the pas­tures. More next month.

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1 Comment

  1. Shawn Spendiff

    I real­ly appre­ci­ate your shar­ing. It looks like those three black bears are syblings.

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