Wildlife on the Farm — April 2017

The first real month of spring — as evi­denced by the vis­i­tor in our first pic­ture. The robins are back and hop­ping around the pas­ture look­ing for worms. This fel­low was look­ing to land on the fence post that the cam­era is mount­ed on.

another bird landing on the camera!
well hel­lo there

And they coy­otes are show­ing them­selves reg­u­lar­ly both at night and dur­ing the day.

fat and sassy
Walk­ing up the road by the pasture.
coming and going
Coy­ote walk­ing up the dri­ve­way at night
glwoing evil eyes ;)
also in the sep­tic field

The deer are start­ing to look a bit bet­ter — fat­ter and sleek­er. Haven’t seen any that are obvi­ous­ly preg­nant yet.

Deer walk­ing along look­ing for a bite.

In oth­er signs of spring the trac­tor now has the brush mow­er attached to it. We’ll be mow­ing the dri­ve­way verges and grass roads reg­u­lar­ly for a cou­ple of month snow.

yeah - it's too misty in the background
I was mess­ing around with Light­room and got this.

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