What the Cameras are Seeing in the Late Spring

We moved that cam­eras back in ear­ly May and are now see­ing dif­fer­ent things. Lots of preda­tors wan­der­ing around the forest.

One cam­era is locat­ed at the end of what we call the for­est road, the wide path that runs par­al­lel to the prop­er­ty line in the woods. The oth­er is on a small trail behind the manure pile that leads to the neigh­bor’s dri­ve­way. This is the one that I thought might show us the tran­sit­ing coy­otes and help pin point their den. But now I“m not at all sure. There is a lot more coy­ote activ­i­ty on the for­est road camera.

Some high­lights:

looking for lunch?
Going for a walk

We’re won­der­ing about how many coy­otes there are and whether or not we can iden­ti­fy them. In par­tic­u­lar are the coy­ote above and this one below the same ani­mal? We’ve had pic­tures of two togeth­er in the past. And the one below looks heav­ier set than the one above.

whatchu lookin' at
Coy­ote Face

In fact this round we have col­lect­ed the full set of predators.

hey, where are you going?
bear butt
that grass is getting really tall
bob the cat
here kitty

This is not the cougar that we’ve seen before. This one does­n’t have a col­lar. So there may be two work­ing over­lap­ping ter­ri­to­ries here.

And per­haps a bit fright­en­ing… our neigh­bor walk­ing her dog. Check out the time stamp — com­pare it with the one on the cougar pic above.

where's Harrison?
Yipes, look at the time stamp.

And some things can’t be iden­ti­fied oth­er than a pair of glow­ing eyes in the night.

look on the far right

Then there’s the usu­al sus­pect. The Big G out for a stroll.

do I look scary?
the one and only Big G

Jim has, of course, spent some time in the woods this spring. Here he is “road test­ing” the big dual sport bike before a back coun­try adven­ture in BC.

really too big for the lane
That’s a big orange bike!

And mow­ing, because it’s spring and the mow­ing nev­er seems to end.

mosing is never ending
Mow­ing the road

And here we are — walk­ing up to change the cards in one of the cameras.

the three bears

And because there is always one acci­den­tal­ly arty shot.

New Holland Blue~
not exact­ly wildlife

About the Author
