Game Cameras in the Late Winter and Early Spring

It’s been a while since I’ve post­ed any of the game cam­era pic­tures. Even when we are ignor­ing them they sit in the woods and on the dri­ve­way and qui­et­ly go about their business.

Most­ly we get shots of deer. A few of which have iden­ti­fi­able traits. There’s Torn Ear.

wonder how it got that way
Torn Ear

and one that I call Short Neck.

plays football?
Short Neck

We see lots of butts.

the big predator goes for a stroll
Night Time Walk
going off road on the way home?
And the Big Bike
back to the short bus
Back of the Defender

We’ve seen a coy­ote a bunch of times. For a cou­ple of days at a time about every month. Both in the woods and on the dri­ve­way. Giz­mo tracks something/someone up the low­er pas­ture road most morn­ings. I think the coy­otes are around more often than they end up on camera.

going for a stroll
Coy­ote Walks Down the Driveway

And sur­prise! We spot­ted a pair.

are you coming with me or not?
Two! Coy­otes

We also get occa­sion­al sight­ings of Bob the Cat. Only in the sep­tic field nev­er on the dri­ve­way. I can’t fig­ure out how he’s get­ting onto and off of the sep­tic field.

looking for something
Bob the Cat

Occa­sion­al­ly the cam­eras get arty.

arty, no?
Game Cam­era Art

We’ve pulled that cam­eras in for down­load­ing and bat­tery replace­ments. They should go back out this week­end. We’re going to move the one from the sep­tic field to down at the oth­er end of the pas­ture near the manure pile. See who’s using that low­er pas­ture road. More pic­tures next month. (maybe)

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