It’s been a while since I’ve posted any of the game camera pictures. Even when we are ignoring them they sit in the woods and on the driveway and quietly go about their business.
Mostly we get shots of deer. A few of which have identifiable traits. There’s Torn Ear.

and one that I call Short Neck.

We see lots of butts.

We’ve seen a coyote a bunch of times. For a couple of days at a time about every month. Both in the woods and on the driveway. Gizmo tracks something/someone up the lower pasture road most mornings. I think the coyotes are around more often than they end up on camera.

And surprise! We spotted a pair.

We also get occasional sightings of Bob the Cat. Only in the septic field never on the driveway. I can’t figure out how he’s getting onto and off of the septic field.

Occasionally the cameras get arty.

We’ve pulled that cameras in for downloading and battery replacements. They should go back out this weekend. We’re going to move the one from the septic field to down at the other end of the pasture near the manure pile. See who’s using that lower pasture road. More pictures next month. (maybe)