Last weekend J and I spend a few days “away” in Winthrop WA. It was a nice chance to relax and spend some down time with each other.
Friday afternoon was hot and dry when we left Seattle. The long route through the mountains (up to Hwy 20.)
The canyon below Diablo dam was completely dry.

Sign vandalism is a popular pastime. This one is a bit more clever than many.

We stayed at the Rio Vista Hotel right in the middle of the kitschiest part of town 😉 It was great.

Saturday was Hot. We walked around some in the morning taking picture and peeping at the little town.
If you get out early enough in the day you can see the deer moving around.

We also saw this early Saturday morning. It did not follow us home. I’m not sure if I’m grateful or sad about that.

Yes, it’s also kick-start only, and yes it was priced realistically at $6k. (I can read the phone number in the original photo is you really need to know.)
This is just one of the Old West style building on the tourist route.

It was a great weekend and now we’re starting on year 20.
The art photos of Diablo Dam.
More pics from around town.