Barn Swallows are Back

Each sum­mer we have sev­er­al nests of barn swallows.

Late last week I watched the first of the barn swal­lows fly across the pas­ture. This morn­ing I had the first evi­dence that house­keep­ing has started.

One of the oldest/biggest nests is perched on top of the flood light over the feed room in the barn.

flood light over the feed room
flood light over the feed room

As you can see it’s a tight fit.

here's the nest perched on top of the light fizture
here’s the nest perched on top of the light fizture

This morn­ing I found this lit­tle mess on the floor direct­ly under­neath the nest. It’s made up of hay loose­ly joined with mud and a plush lin­ing of chick­en feathers.

barn swallow nest
barn swal­low nest
chicken feathers used to line the nest
chick­en feath­ers used to line the nest

Usu­al­ly they just build a new lay­er on top of last years nest. I sus­pect this last top lay­er had to be evict­ed because there is no more room to build up.

We should see the females arrive soon.

About the Author

Lara Harriger