Snow Report — a Little Late

The snow has just about all melt­ed — now we’re hav­ing floods. But here are a few of the best pic­tures from the Decem­ber snow storms.

We are very grate­ful to have Adven­ture Truck on our side.  He got us off the farm and safe­ly back every sin­gle day of the storm except Christ­mas. Some­days we only went as far as the Start­bucks and the post office (noth­ing in the box­a­gain!) but it helped.

adventure truck powers along
adven­ture truck pow­ers along

Some of our ani­mals love the snow, oth­er not so much. Ivan will sleep on the back porch while it snows on him. We have to remem­ber to keep the laun­dry room door shut or he’s like­ly to come into the house and head for his couch look­ing like this:

ivan on the back porch
ivan on the back porch

On the oth­er hand Tuck­er — the barn cat- real­ly hat­ed the snow. It quick­ly got to be too deep for him to walk through and he was stuck in the barn for sev­er­al days. Here Jim is talk­ing to him a cou­ple of days into his confinement.

jim talking to the snow bound cat
jim talk­ing to the snow bound cat

There were a lot of lit­tle birds hang­ing about the place. We could­n’t keep the feed­ers clear of snow and even­tu­al­ly start­ed lay­ing seed and water plans on the cov­ered porchs. Here a jun­co sits fluffed up against the cold in the maple tree out­side my office. (The pic­ture is cropped from a much larg­er image show­ing the entire flock.)

juinco in the maple
jun­co in the maple

One last pho­to just because… it makes me laugh.

ivan after helping with chores
ivan after help­ing with chores

Note the lit­tle birdy tracks in the snow!

About the Author

Lara Harriger