This photo of Woodinville-Duvall Road through the Snoqualmie valley was sent to Jim by Jerry one of the fellows in SVARC. The “un-official” version is that it will take 4 days to fix. We surmise that it’s damage to the road surface and not to the underlying bridge structure because the traffic camera showed an ambulance crossing earlier this morning.

W‑D road rarely closes due to flooding. Now we’ll have to wait for 124th to open. Which could be days yet.
At 11:30(ish) this morning the traffic cameras on 124th (south of town) showed:

Live camera coverage for the morbidly natural disaster obcessed here:
Traffic camera of W‑D Road here. (It’s off-line at the moment 11:22 am)
Traffic camera of 124th (our next best hope) here facing east across the valley and here facing west.
Wow. I’m speechless.