The snow has just about all melted — now we’re having floods. But here are a few of the best pictures from the December snow storms.
We are very grateful to have Adventure Truck on our side. He got us off the farm and safely back every single day of the storm except Christmas. Somedays we only went as far as the Startbucks and the post office (nothing in the boxagain!) but it helped.

Some of our animals love the snow, other not so much. Ivan will sleep on the back porch while it snows on him. We have to remember to keep the laundry room door shut or he’s likely to come into the house and head for his couch looking like this:

On the other hand Tucker — the barn cat- really hated the snow. It quickly got to be too deep for him to walk through and he was stuck in the barn for several days. Here Jim is talking to him a couple of days into his confinement.

There were a lot of little birds hanging about the place. We couldn’t keep the feeders clear of snow and eventually started laying seed and water plans on the covered porchs. Here a junco sits fluffed up against the cold in the maple tree outside my office. (The picture is cropped from a much larger image showing the entire flock.)

One last photo just because… it makes me laugh.

Note the little birdy tracks in the snow!