New Techniques

I’ve got a shiny new copy of Pho­to­shop CS3 and have been experimenting.

In Pho­to­shop Cre­ative Col­lec­tion v3 (no link avail­able) there’s a tech­nique that mim­ics pen and ink. Some­thing that is sim­i­lar to some water­col­or and ink work that I did a cou­ple of years ago.

I did the tuto­r­i­al and got this effect.

section of tutorial exercise

Which I liked well enough but I think the ink lines are a bit crude. Per­haps as a result of my not being a true ace with the graph­ics tablet, yet.

I’ve gone on to exper­i­ment with some oth­er images and am slow­ly devel­op­ing a ver­sion of the tech­nique that I like.

For some pieces I’m build­ing the col­or in Pho­to­shop and then print­ing the piece and ink­ing it my hand. I like the results I’m get­ting from print­ing on 140# cold press water­col­or paper. (Usu­al­ly the smoother side.) It takes ink from the inkjet well and the slight tex­ture gives the hand inked lines a nice variation.

I’m also try­ing to find ways of cre­at­ing a black-line lay­er with­in Pho­to­shop. It’s tricky to get the over­lay to have enough infor­ma­tion to pick out the details of the image with­out over­whelm­ing the nice blocks and blobs of col­or that I work so hard to make.

balloon seller

This is part of a piece based on a pho­to­graph that my hus­band took in Oax­a­ca. I used a hand­ful of fil­ters to cre­ate the black over­lay. (I can go back and look them up if you want the gory details.)

I think this has promise.

Oh and if you were here with me look­ing out my win­dow you’d see this.

view out of my window

snow — Yikes!

About the Author

Lara Harriger