and now, for something completely different…

On Sat­ur­day Jan­u­ary 19th, I helped a bud­dy get his (unique) motor­cy­cle down to Down­town HD in Ren­ton for a Vin­tage Bike show. Focus was on dirt bikes, and motor­crossers, but all sorts of inter­est­ing things came out of the wood­work. Here are a few of the pic­tures I took. Grab a tasty bev­er­age for a nice stroll down mem­o­ry’s pit lane here.

ready to head for the show


brag stick­er on a Pen­ton-Was­sel tri­als bike


Ducati swingarm detail


Ducati Scram­bler


Bul­ta­co Pur­sang, in the frozen fog


an Aer­ma­c­chi-harley 350 Road Racer


exhaust detail on a Tri­umph 500cc Moto-crosser


a Hoda­ka Super Rat — my first bike


CJ-Framed Hon­da 4‑stroker


a Pen­ton 125 Six-Days


a 1955 Maico tai­fun 400. just wow.


Hoda­ka Super Wombat


with wom­bat

any­one who would like larg­er ver­sions of these, or any­thing else that was there that I might have on film (so to speak), please just let me know. rub­ber side down!



A New Space Ship!

Last year, I caught the Sport-Tour­ing bike bug again. I have owned sev­er­al over the years, and a quick ride on a friend’s ’09 BMW R1200RT real­ly remind­ed me what I was miss­ing on  my long-legged ‘Tur­bo Giraffe’ (KTM 950 … 

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Game Cameras — Jan and Feb

We were gone for a lot of the months of Jan­u­ary and Feb­ru­ary but the wildlife goes on. There is this lit­tle rab­bit. Nib­bling on a bit of brown grass. This bob­cat is look­ing for the rab­bits. The deer are still here … 

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