A New Space Ship!

Last year, I caught the Sport-Tour­ing bike bug again. I have owned sev­er­al over the years, and a quick ride on a friend’s ’09 BMW R1200RT real­ly remind­ed me what I was miss­ing on  my long-legged ‘Tur­bo Giraffe’ (KTM 950 Adven­ture). So I began list­ing bikes I might want and research­ing them. One by one they got crossed off the list, the Tri­umph Tro­phy SE being the last non-BMW to be crossed off; nice bike, but a bit bor­ing in the motor department.

So it was, I found myself on 8 march 2014 at South Sound BMW look­ing at  a left-over 2013 K1600GT. I’ve always want­ed to own an inline  six-cylin­der motor­cy­cle and a 12-cylin­der car. I’m now 1 for 2 in that area. 🙂

A quick test ride and a hand­shake deal was agreed to. The next day saw me take deliv­ery of said beast and then ride it 65 miles home in a mon­soon of a down­pour. Yes­ter­day, I final­ly got a chance to wash her off and take a few pics, so here we are.

front view. don’t look now but some­thing is gain­ing on you!




Left side. all clean and shiny. 685 miles at this point
2013 K1600GT Montego Blue
2013 K1600GT Mon­tego Blue
The view from the bridge. When the loud han­dle is twist­ed, you’d bet­ter be hang­ing on!
right side, rear. the pipes are sor­ta sil­ly look­ing, but they don’t sound bad, and a set of Akra’s cost big bucks.
right side, show­ing off the mighty inline‑6, and it’s for­ward cant. Is this the new Slant‑6?


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