More from the Game Cameras — March

Not so much on the cam­eras this month.

The deer are walk­ing around in groups again. Three most­ly. I haven’t seen any sign of the buck or his antlers since Decem­ber. I was hop­ing to get the antlers for the dog to chew on.

The preda­tors have been out at night. Coy­otes both on the low­er pas­ture road and in the sep­tic field.

And Bob the Cat.

and then there’s the weath­er — what a March. Rain, Fog, Wind! Giz­mo and I walked reli­gious­ly but some days nei­ther of us was too pleased about it.

We’re going to move two of the cam­eras lat­er this week. I think we’ve seen all there is to see in the sep­tic field and on the low­er pas­ture road. (The dri­ve­way cam­era will stay — that’s a secu­ri­ty thing that occa­sion­al­ly catch­es some­thing more inter­est­ing than the UPS lady com­ing and going.)

Soon it will be time to start on the farm projects for spring/summer. Look for news!

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