Sunday in Oaxaca

The first day in Oax­a­ca is always a lit­tle slow — we have flight hang­over and a bit of the alti­tude wib­bles. So most­ly we hang out and run a few errands. And It being Sun­day we went to the Zoco­lo for the noon concert.

But first… Duran­go. Who’s grown into quite a nice boy.

Duran­go — the house dog, Won­der­ing where the ball went.

Any Sun­day trip to the Zoco­lo starts with cof­fee and a bit of breakfast.

Coffee for me!

Then you wan­der around for a while. Today we saw some new sculp­tures by Fer­nan­do Andriacci.

Anatomically Correct Bull.
Anatom­i­cal­ly Cor­rect Bull.
Dragon Fly
Drag­on Fly

The point of Sun­day in the Zoco­lo how­ev­er is the Oax­a­ca State Band con­cert. Here’s a minute of the first piece, a bit of Schu­bert. Pre­ced­ed by the church bells tolling noon.


On our way home I stopped to take a anoth­er pic­ture of a lit­tle cat decal. I’ve been tak­ing pic­tures of this for a num­ber of years. It gets tat­ti­er and tat­ti­er but I still love it.

black cat sticker.
Cat Stick­er on the Wall by the Local Market

New to the area is this art work on the wall on Miguel Negrete at Independencia.

Mural on the Wall
About 2/3rds of the Mural


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