Pretty Flowers are Pretty

Not too many words for this post. We returned to La Encan­ta­da Orquideario to see what new won­ders there were in the rainy sea­son. Sad­ly there has not been near­ly as much rain as usu­al this sum­mer and the orchids are suf­fer­ing a bit. (And they are hav­ing to buy water.)


A stream runs through the mid­dle of the plantation.


And a rick­ety bridge cross­es the stream. (I am not real­ly this much of a munchkin — Jim took the pic­ture from far up the slope.)


Here are a selec­tion of love­ly flow­ers from big, about 3″ across, to tiny, less that a 14″ across.

For mak­ing it all the way to tend of this post you get a bonus:

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