Spiced Pecans

More hol­i­day requests. I’m remak­ing some bits of the web­site over here and just to make sure that I don’t end on any­one’s naughty list, I’m mak­ing sure that all of the most request­ed recipes stay avail­able. This one is for the crack-addic­tive pecans that show up at hol­i­day par­ties when any­one is sil­ly enough to say “oh just bring some­thing to nib­ble on.” You’ve been warned. I think these are based on some­thing that came from Cook­ing Light.

Hint: Make Lots.

Spiced Pecans

By Lara Har­riger Pub­lished: August 27, 2012

  • Yield: 2 cups
  • Prep: 20 mins
  • Cook: 30 mins
  • Ready In: 1 hr 20 mins

Sticky, spicy, smoky, addic­tive as all get out.



  1. Pre­heat oven to 375(f). Line a bak­ing sheet with parch­ment paper.
  2. Com­bine maple syrup, Worces­ter­shire sauce, chile pow­der, cumin, salt, and pep­per in a large bowl, stir­ring well.
  3. Add the nuts to the syrup mix­ture and stir to coat.
  4. Spread the nuts in a sin­gle lay­er on the back­ing sheet.
  5. Bake for about 10 min­utes, or until light­ly toast­ed. Cool on the pan. 

    About the Author

    Lara Harriger