Red Chili in a Slow Cooker

A tra­di­tion at the Box­ing Day Par­ty. We’ve giv­en this recipe to skiers, foot­ball fans, par­ents of tod­dlers who refuse to eat “fun­ny stuff”, and moth­ers of teenage boys who don’t eat so much as inhale. What­ev­er. It dis­ap­pears by the boat load. Serve with corn bread is you’re feel­ing ambi­tious. Tor­tillas if you aren’t. Beer is good too.


Red Chili in the Slow Cooker

By Lara Har­riger Pub­lished: August 27, 2012

  • Yield: A big pot
  • Prep: 30 mins
  • Cook: 8 hrs 0 min
  • Ready In: 8 hrs 30 mins

A red chili that’s dirt sim­ple to make. If you 1.5x this recipe it will total­ly fill a 6 quart crock pot but it won’t bub­ble over.



  1. Brown the beef in a skil­let, drain the fat. Add the meat to the slow cooker.
  2. Open the cans and add the rest of the stuff.
  3. Add the spices. Stir well.
  4. Cook cov­ered, on low. 8 hours.

    About the Author

    Lara Harriger