Playing Catch Up.

A new toy.


1966 Honda 305 Dream
The newest toy and our next project.


But before we can do any­thing about that…

We have to fix this.

Yeah, that’s pret­ty much half of the dash pulled out. Tomor­row night the oth­er half comes out. All because I don’t like cold feet.

um, that kinda exploded huh?
There are bits of this truck that are waaaay too far behind oth­er bits.


(Update to the update — Jim got it all done and but­toned back up on Sun­day. Good thing too, because there’s snow fore­cast for tonight.)

 A lazy cat.

lazy cat
Peach in his pref­ered win­ter spot.

Work — or not.


You can find it here.

I’m not actu­al­ly signed up. Because I’m chick­en shit and all that. Most­ly because I don’t write nov­els. At least not with any suc­cess. I write short sto­ries. And I plan to write 4 this month. It’s my own lit­tle ver­sion of NaNoWriMo.

About the Author

Lara Harriger