New Cat

In the  spring I lost my faith­ful min­ion Trip. Ear­ly this sum­mer we added Peach to our menagerie.

Peach — typ­i­cal goofy expression

As much as I love the big orange doo­fus, he’s just not min­ion mate­r­i­al. (Also, he prefers Jim’s com­pa­ny to mine. Curr.)

So… to rec­ti­fy the lack of a min­ion for the Mag­pie Cen­ter for World Dom­i­na­tion. We have added a sec­ond cat.

Meet Diesel. Most often known as Izzy.

Diesel — pon­der­ing the great outdoors

Peach and izzy­have learned to get along, sort of. There’s a lot of chas­ing and steal­ing the best sleep­ing spots going on. Until they’re both tired, then they set­tle down togeth­er on the back of the couch.

stop fol­low­ing me already

About the Author

Lara Harriger