It’s been a long weekend already and it’s only noon on Sunday 🙂 Of course I started it on Friday.
Early friday morning I headed out to take some flower and yard pictures and to start getting the birds at the new feeders used to my being around with the camera. The yard is a mess after a long wet coll spring. But A little close up work hides the jungle and just shows some pretty thing.
There’s purple vetch growing next to the ash trees in the front bed.

The blue flower whose name I always forget is blooming by the house. It is a most reliably self-seeder. 😉

Then there’s the shot of the wood sheds that I always see but can never get to work out. I think I should start by moving the yellow milk crate. Then maybe turn the wagon, but only if the side is as perfectly faded as the back is. (And I’ll move the faded orange clip as well.)

And then there are the new bird feeders. They provide plenty of entertainment when we’re soaking in the hot tub, and I can see — but more importantly hear — the birds from my office window.

I’ve been spending some time sitting out by the tub everyday to get the birds used to me and my cameras. So far it’s been the usual suspects, juncos and chickadees and the stellar’s jays. But we’ve had a few others, there were purple(ish) finches for a day or two but they seem to have moved on. The grosbeaks are abundant this spring. And my favorites the goldfinches have been moving in.
Lots of activity and lots of bird song. But the pictures aren’t making me happy. I get a few out of every session that are okay. Like these of the pine siskins.

But okay is as good as it gets. Most are like this one. Over exposed — the dark trees in the background fool the metering. And not very sharp, in spite of using a tripod.

I’m getting fed up enough to consider taking a little cardboard cut out of a bird and taping it to the feeder while I fiddle around with the camera. Or maybe the small plush-toy rooster that a friend brought me back from Hawaii.
Still, how bad can a day be when it starts with sitting in the yard drinking tea and having the jays scold me?