Day 2, in which we visit 3 churchs and 1 bar.

Today we took a lit­tle walk­ing tour with our host Jane and a cou­ple of oth­er guests.

A block away from the Casa there is a lit­tle alley on the back side of the local mar­ket. It’s a good place to stop for a soda in the shade.

a pedestrian alleyway near the casa
a pedes­tri­an alley­way near the casa

The Vir­gin of Soledad is the patron of the City of Oax­a­ca. Her church is near enough to hear the bells in the morn­ing. The top of the front facade is coat­ed in paint­ed plaster.

the facade of the basilica of San Jose
the facade of the basil­i­ca of San Jose

Inside the Vir­gin her­self is above the altar. You almost can’t see her for the roco­co decorations.

virgin of soledad
vir­gin of soledad

City hall is right next door. The cen­tral court yard is a pleas­ant place to wait.

the central court of city hall
the cen­tral court of city hall

Tucked in a cor­ner of the first floor is the time clock.

time clock in city hall
time clock in city hall

After spend­ing time in restored build­ings we went to see the bar called Los Dan­zantes. In a typ­i­cal colo­nial build­ing but with very mod­ern decor.

sign and masks on the wall above the bar
sign and masks on the wall above the bar

The bar itself was made out of blocks of crushed cars.

the bar at Los Danzantes
the bar at Los Danzantes

This is one of my favorite court­yard foun­tains in the city.

modern intreptation of the court yard fountion
mod­ern inter­pre­ta­tion of the court yard fountion

Then on to anoth­er church. Sto. Domin­go de Guz­man. This is the ceil­ing in the rosay chapel. Usu­al­ly there is a love­ly white vir­gin in here but she’s been moved for the week­end to the main sanctuary.

ornate ceiling in the rosary chapel
ornate ceil­ing in the rosary chapel

Tomor­row (Sun­day) the city will be cel­e­brat­ing the ded­i­ca­tion of this new retablo. It’s huge and very shiny. A lot of time (3 years) and mon­ey has been spent on it.

new retablo
new retablo

You see the strangest things on the bul­letin boards in lit­tle court­yards. This was out­side the door of Black­Box, one of my favorite ‘mod­ern’ art stores.

learn Japanese in Oaxaca
learn Japan­ese in Oaxaca

The last church of the day was the Cather­dral in the cen­ter of the city. it was filled with hun­dreds of these bun­dles of lilies because Fri­day was the fes­ti­val of El Senor del Rayo. Our Lord of the Light­en­ing Bolt is what they call the cru­ci­fix housed in the side chapel that was the only thing that sur­vived a fire start­ed when light­en­ing struck the orig­i­nal thatched roof.

one of a couple of hundred bundles of lilies
one of a cou­ple of hun­dred bun­dles of lilies

The city is start­ing to dec­o­rate for the day of the dead.

day od the dead decorations
day of the dead soldier

About the Author

Lara Harriger