Mostly driving today. A few interesting detours. Some planned some not.
I left Panora around 9. Made my way to West Des Moines via some lovely parkways to nowhere. Found a Barnes and Noble with a Starbucks and got an iced latte. Officially summer now. Tried to plan a reasonable route for general easterliness and failed. So I decided to go with the “what’s about 100 miles east of here?” game.
That would be Pella, IA home of Pella Windows. So I stopped, illegally, and get this quick shot of the corp headquarters for my friend Paul who works for Milgard Windows.

This was my first view of the Mississippi river in Fort Madison. Then the GPS routed me away from the river and I ended up not crossing until Hannibal, MO.

I stopped for lunch at a Taco Johns. In Canton, IL maybe. There were some sad looking train bits on a disconnected siding.
I don’t know whose livery this purple is/was but It must have been an attractive car at one time.

The Caboose seemed to be doing a bit better. They have so much more charisma and so much less surface area to paint.

Today I saw the first police I’ve seen in four days. (Not counting the Panora officer who waved at me while I parked in the lot at the historical village.) The first one was marked and as I came up behind him he pulled into the center median and U‑turned back the way we’d come. The second was an unmarked white unit with the interior lightbar. I was doing 72 (cruise control) in a 65. Driving right, passing left, etc. He came up on me as I was passing a tanker truck. Pass completed, I pulled over, and he powered on past at 80-something. Clearly the time had come to get off the road for the evening.

You went through Hannibal and you didn’t get a photo of the lighthouse?!?
Yes. A lighthouse on the central Mississippi. In Hannibal. The “Mark Twain” lighthouse.
Okay — for the next road trip. Iron Butt check-point photo-ops. Right?
If you’re so inclined to visiting this sort of thing, New Madrid, MO is host to the largest earthquake to ever hit the continental US. Changed the course of the Mississippi, creating a dam, if you stretch the definition.
I think that might indeed qualify as a dam — at least in the loose sense that road-tripping requires. I’ll see if it fits into the return route.