It’s a Big Dam Country — Day 7

I think I should decide whether it’s a big dam or a dam big country…

Today was a rest day (on the sev­enth day and all that)

I spent some time explor­ing Pano­ra.

There’s a neat lit­tle his­toric vil­lage. The orig­i­nal rail­road depot was moved down here when the rail­road left in the 60s. 

railroad depot panora, ia
rail­road depot pano­ra, ia

Here’s a glance through the lug­gage room door.

a bit of the past
a bit of the past

There’s a nice caboose (Mil­wau­kee Line livery.)

milwaukee line caboose
mil­wau­kee line caboose

The door is open and you can have look inside. This is the desk area.

small desk in the caboose
small desk in the caboose

On the west edge of town is the Rac­coon Riv­er. There are two dams on the Rac­coon near Pano­ra. Most com­mon­ly known as the Big Dam and the Lit­tle Dam. With all of the trees in full leaf there is no way to get a look at the Big Dam except from a boat on the lake.

The Lit­tle Dam on the oth­er hand is acces­si­ble from both sides of the riv­er at the park.

My moth­er-in-law remem­bers play­ing there as a child and spend­ing time ‘park­ing’ near the dam as a teenag­er. There was less water flow­ing over the dam then and it was com­mon to dri­ve a car out onto the dam and wash it.

dam on the raccoon river
dam on the rac­coon river

The dam was orig­i­nal­ly built from logs. They’re still under there. 

close to the water
close to the water

The last place I went was to the ceme­tery. Some of the graves date from the 1850’s.

the panora cemetery
the pano­ra cemetery

Memo­r­i­al day is next week­end and peo­ple are start­ing to tidy up and dec­o­rate the graves. 

older section of the cemetery
old­er sec­tion of the cemetery

Much of my MIL’s fam­i­ly is buried here as are Jim’s grandparents.

harlold and may harriger
har­lold and may harriger

Bonus Memo­r­i­al Day link — from Aidair IA (down the road about 30 miles)
The 11th annu­al ver­sion of a giant paint­ed rock ded­i­cat­ed to US vets.

About the Author

Lara Harriger