Garden Report

Hap­py Moth­er’s Day week­end. Gar­den­ing sea­son now begins in earnest in Pugetopolis.

We did our part to add to the mayhem.

Begin­ning with some addi­tions to the kitchen gar­den. A cou­ple of ser­ra­no chiles, four basils and an even dozen ran­dom let­tuce plants. If we cut only a cou­ple of sal­ads a week this will last most of the sum­mer. If we have anoth­er non-sum­mer like last year’s they will go until fall with­out bolt­ing. Not much else to do in this bed — except to replace the creep­ing rose­mary that per­ished last win­ter. (Rose­mary nev­er dies — what?)

the kitchen bed
the kitchen bed

We put a hand­ful of annu­als in the bird bath bed. Some Peru­vian bells, nico­tinia, and cos­mos, with dusty miller along the long edges. You real­ly can’t see much in the pho­tos the pants were all nurs­ery packs. Instead here’s a pic­ture of the only two tulips that came up this year. Jim likes tulips but we nev­er seem to get them plant­ed in the fall. Too much of the instant grat­i­fi­ca­tion kind of folks.

two tulips and the happy grass
two tulips and the hap­py grass

The long bed in the lawn that faces the pas­ture used to have white rock ros­es along it’s back edge (and weeds along it’s front.) The rock ros­es did well for a cou­ple of years and then died back uneven­ly over one hard win­ter. No amount of prun­ing could bring them back into to shape. We pulled them out two years ago and nev­er got around to putting any­thing new in. Yes­ter­day I replant­ed the bed. I start­ed with some of the var­ie­gat­ed Japan­ese wil­low that showed up on the mar­ket 5(?) years ago to anchor the far end by the ever­greens. Nad­i­nas, and cat­mint fill the cen­ter of the bed. I found one of the nanadins that is sup­posed to keep some of the bronze in the new foliage through the sum­mer. Cat­mint (not cat­nip) has always been one of my favorites but is often hard to find. The local Ace hard­ware had nice bushy ones for 7.99 each. Yay!

the long bed with it's new shrubery
the long bed with it’s new shrubery

Unfor­tu­nate­ly the dark pur­ple but­ter­fly bush in the low­er right cor­ner appears to have died over the win­ter. In fact all of my dark pur­ple cul­ti­vars and sev­er­al of the pale pur­ple ones died. (The native pale pur­ple one is now clas­si­fied as inva­sive weed by the state.)

varigated japanese willow (Salix integra "Hankuro Nishiki")
vari­gat­ed japan­ese wil­low (Sal­ix inte­gra “Han­kuro Nishiki”)
nan­d­i­na (Nan­d­i­na domes­ti­ca ‘Gulf Stream’)
catmint (Nepeta subsessilis)  I hope)
cat­mint (Nepe­ta sub­ses­silis) I hope)

Also pur­chased and tem­porar­i­ly placed in hold­ing were these these sweet lit­tle hens and chicks. They belong on the back side of the rock wall once I’ve got­ten around to fill­ing the pock­ets in with soil. They may end up liv­ing here in the edge of the long bed for a while

hens and chicks (unlabeled sempervivum)
hens and chicks (unla­beled sempervivum)

About the Author

Lara Harriger