Reusable Grocery Bag

Every­body is doing it. Even here in the “bub­ble.” Using those ugly green reusable gro­cery bags.

reusable grocery bag

Heart­warm­ing eco-points 8. Style points 0.

I won’t even men­tion what they chose to fill it with for this image. Yuck!

I made this one yesterday.
cloth reusable grocery/shopping bag

Heart­warm­ing eco-points 8. Style points 6. Maybe.

It’s still bet­ter than some vague­ly poly­ester green thing with a gro­cery store logo on it.

I made it using the Char­lie Bag pat­tern from Bur­das­Syle. At Bur­daStyle you can also find sev­er­al how-tos about mak­ing this bag using a serg­er, mak­ing the lined ver­sion (2 ways), and a gallery of bags made by bur­dastyle fans. (There are a cou­ple of stun­ners — like this one.

This is the first thing I’ve made from a Bur­daStyle pat­tern. It was an inter­est­ing but ulti­mate­ly sim­ple process. I’ll write more about bur­dastyle and their “print at home” pat­terns soon. Right now the sun is out and it’s Fri­day after­noon and I have a date with a sports car of my acquaintance…

About the Author

Lara Harriger