The Garage

W.I.P. fishy-fishy flag book

Play­ing catch-up while away from home. First up, a book that is slow­ly tak­ing shape. It com­bines a for­mat (flag book), a mate­r­i­al (water­col­or wash­es) and a bit of dog­ger­el that wrig­gled into my head (and sketch­book) a cou­ple of years ago. … 

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new toys

I’ve been busy acquir­ing, set­ting up, and occa­sion­al­ly curs­ing a batch of new toys. The dread­ed yel­low line scan­ner has been evict­ed and in it’s place is a new Microtek i900. So far it and I are get­ting along pret­ty well. … 

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Trouble with Scanner

The great pho­to dig­i­tiz­ing project has hit a snag. I start­ed work­ing on “fix­ing up” the pho­tos that I had scanned in last week. First up was this pic­ture of Jim’s par­ents Bill and Bet­ty on their wed­ding day. (Too cute, no?) … 

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Yellow Walls

The painters are done and I have reclaimed my space. The move out and back into the stu­dio was almost pain­less. Prob­a­bly because I had recent­ly reor­ga­nized all the crap and there had not been much time for cruft to accumulate. … 

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