Things in the Woods June 2018

We’ve switched one of our cam­eras to record video. We’re exper­i­ment­ing with the length of record­ing. Try­ing to fig­ure out what’s the best com­pro­mise between cap­tur­ing the action and sav­ing on the bat­tery life. It’s look­ing like 15 sec­onds might be the sweet spot.

Here’s a com­pi­la­tion of inter­est­ing things that we saw in June. We’re get­ting some inter­est­ing things. Start­ing with a bit of video one of the bears climb­ing the tri­al up the hill. Then a look  at one of our fat and sassy coy­otes. Bucky makes a late night vis­it. Mid­day we see the rather adorable dog that lives down the hill. And final­ly, the catch of the month: the local owl enjoy­ing a bit of breakfast.

Here’s a bet­ter look at the bear. This is the small one. I think the one in the video above is the big one.

hello boo-boo
Lit­tle Bear.

Bonus Video of Bob the Cat.

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