Game Cameras November

Only a few pic­tures this month.

Of note, the bear that should be asleep this time of year was up and mov­ing around the prop­er­ty at the begin­ning of the month.

heading out for a very early breakfast
Out bear is still in town.

The bob cat also vis­it­ed. We have him (her?) going up and down the dri­ve way on Oct 31st and then in the sep­tic field on Nov 19th.

cat butt! better than deer butt.
Up the Driveway
more cat, no butt
and back down the driveway
blurry but he's there
head shot a cou­ple of weeks later.

The coy­otes have been back. We haven’t seen them in over a month. I thought they were hav­ing trou­ble shar­ing the range with the bobcat.

the coy­otes are back.
coyote, no roadrunner
anoth­er view

Bucky is look­ing good — quite sleek and fat.

psst, buddy wanna buy a watch.
nice lit­tle rack you got there

As are the does.

hav­ing a bit of lunch on a rainy day.


And once in a while the cam­eras bring us just a lit­tle too much information.

real­ly? close the door next time


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