Back from the wilderness…

Hi Gang! It’s been two years since I post­ed here, and near­ly that long since i had rid­den an event until the 13th of Jan­u­ary, 2013. No excus­es, just a hec­tic life, spiced up with a man­gled left knee in August of 2012, that has kept me off the loop and out of the sections.

Rode the first PST event of the year, the Plas­tered Pur­ple Pen­guin, at Marysville. Two sto­ries dom­i­nat­ed the day: my ten­der left knee, which it turned out, acquit­ted itself quite well, and the bit­ter­ly cold weath­er, and accom­pa­ny­ing frozen tun­dra. In many sec­tions, the line was pol­ished smooth due to the action of tri­als tires on frozen dirt. Very chal­leng­ing. But my knee and I sur­vived, I did­n’t take home last place, and I had fun, so there will be more events in my future, and more post­ings here.


About the Author

Jim Harriger