The engine begins to reveal it’s secrets

Well, I now have the engine out of the frame, and the cylin­der head and both side cas­es off. The news isn’t all bad. Most of the engine looks in fine shape inter­nal­ly, as you can see here:

obvi­ous­ly, this engine has been sealed up, and has the low mileage indi­cat­ed by the odome­ter (5129).




There was a lit­tle bit of sludge in the bot­tom of the side case on this side, but noth­ing dra­mat­ic. remov­ing the cylin­der head, how­ev­er, revealed a whole ‘nuther picture:

obvi­ous­ly, the left cylin­der (on the right in this pic­ture) had some water in it for a while.




and look­ing at the cylin­der head, we can see why:

if you expand the pic­ture and look close­ly, you’ll see that the exhaust valve on the left cylin­der (again, right side in the pic­ture) is slight­ly open. so water vapor got in through the exhaust pipe, con­densed into a pud­dle, which then evap­o­rat­ed and rust­ed the cylinder.


still, noth­ing here looks unsal­vagable. the cylin­ders are cur­rent­ly soak­ing in Kroil, hope­ful­ly, i can beat the pis­tons out pret­ty soon and see what kind of shape the cylin­der walls will clean up into.


thanks for read­ing. more as i dis­cov­er it!



About the Author

Jim Harriger

1 Comment

  1. oh, dear. That cylin­der is‑a gonna be inter­est­ing. If I was­n’t con­tem­plat­ing stuff­ing my life into a very small space and ship­ping it off before rid­ing sea­son after next, I would be await­ing the end of this project with ‘bat­ed breath; it’s very much a classy-look­ing gen­tle­man’s (or ladies’) com­muter bike, and who­ev­er ends up with it is going to be very pleased…

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