Walkabout days 25 – 26: the trip home.

My rid­ing com­pan­ion for the final two days of my trip was feel­ing under the weath­er on mon­day, so we got a late start on tues­day. Not many pic­tures here, we came back via the Inter­states. We did get off at one point for a stretch and bath­room break, and dis­cov­ered this amus­ing mur­al on the ack of a ‘Trad­ing Post’ type gen­er­al store:

our faith­ful steeds, in Ellens­burg, after JC had an in-flight dis­agree­ment with a bee. A quick stop to remove the stinger, and treat the sting, and we we’re back underway.

at just a touch before 6pm on wednes­day, i rolled home. hap­py, if some­what road weary:

final stats:

26 days
6784.1 miles
mov­ing aver­age speed: 58.8 mph
115:22 hours actu­al­ly travelling.
7 of the 26 days were spent not mov­ing: vis­it­ing with friends or attend­ing the World Super­bike Races at Miller Motor­sports Park, in Tooele, Utah.

About the Author

Jim Harriger