Walkabout day 10; texas in sight- cover me, i’m goin’ in!


Left Taos slow­ly this morn­ing; had to pack up all the camp­ing gear, find break­fast, etc. The new high-tech cot works pret­ty well. It’s still hard on my back to have a lim­it­ed num­ber of posi­tions to lie in (due to the lim­i­ta­tions of a mum­my bag) but accept­able. Found a local din­er called Taoseno’s to grab break­fast, and had an absolute­ly awe­some break­fast bur­ri­to: eggs, bacon, hash browns all wrapped in a tor­tilla, and cov­ered in Green Chile sauce. Awesome!
Had a pret­ty slow ride to Las Vegas, NM, the roads are pret­ty, the lim­its are low, the pass­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties are sel­dom. Took 2.5 hours to make the 135 miles. Then when I got to Las Vegas, it took two gas sta­tions to find all three of the require­ments: fuel, trail mix, and a restroom. Pret­ty nice roads, though.

The road from there through Clo­vis, NM to Lub­bock, TX, how­ev­er, not so much. Pure unadul­ter­at­ed bore­dom. I did see a B‑1 bomber make sev­er­al 40 mile cir­cles around me just out­side of Clo­vis. Lat­er caught sight of a C‑130 depart­ing Can­non AFB; noth­ing else has a pro­file like that!
On the pos­i­tive side: the weath­er was great. A bit chilly this morn­ing, then about 80 as I got into Lub­bock. Real­ly nice rid­ing weath­er, not too hot, but warm enough to allow the light gloves.
I took a pic­ture of the road out­side of Lub­bock. I want­ed to make sure no one com­plained that I didn’t take any pic­tures of NW texas. Ok, here’s Texas, now you’ve seen it.

And this is … ummm, er….. I have no idea. Any­one know?

About the Author

Jim Harriger