Walkabout day 5: Sierra Nevada foothills and Tehachapi Mts.

Arose this morn­ing at Chez Grrrl­dogs in Galt to a beau­ti­ful morn­ing, at least out­side. Inside my head was a dif­fer­ent sto­ry, I was a bit blue and home­sick. This usu­al­ly hap­pens to me on a trip, about day 5 or 6; I wake up in the morn­ing, and won­der why the heck I didn’t just stay home in my nice com­fy rut! But cof­fee helped, and the first 200 miles of the day were spec­tac­u­lar scenery and won­der­ful roads. Joined CA-49 at San Andreas and rode it, and a few of it’s cousins all the way into Fres­no. This part of Cal­i­for­nia is nice! You can keep LA, but the Sier­ra Neva­da rocks. Here are some exam­ples of the roads and the scenery:

After hit­ting Fres­no, it was a cou­ple of bor­ing hours to Bak­ers­field (today’s triv­ia: obvi­ous­ly there is a Buck Owens Boule­vard in Bak­ers­field, but did you also know that there is a Mer­le Hag­gard Dri­ve?). At Bak­ers field, I hung a left into the Tehachapi maoun­tains, and end­ed up in, odd­ly enough, Tehachapi. Cool old rail­road town, a bit down on its luck, and windy! The entire east­ern hori­zon is wind tur­bines, and there here for a reason!
(yeah, it’s a crum­my pic­ture and hard to see. i was tired…)

About the Author

Jim Harriger