Last weekend the front bed with the cedars in it got new shrubs.
Continuing the theme of happy flowering shrubs and brooding conifers that we started with the cedars and the (now gone) buddleias we’ve added more happy and more brooding.
Starting with the happy, a flowering currant. I’ve seen this plant on both the lists of ‑plants that birds like- and the lists of ‑plants that deer don’t like-. We shall see. The shocking cerise of the flowers is a nice stunner — at the far edge of the bed.

And now a little gloom. Okay, maybe not so gloomy. This little White Cedar cultivar has a lovely fluffy, bunny look up close.

Contrasting nicely in form is this whipcord Western Red Cedar. It’s an Iseli introduction. I’m always happy to see that they’re still in business and still developing interesting plants.

Also along the back of the bed there’s a white flowering quince. I know, I know, flowering quinces are supposed to be that red-orange color. But this one is so pretty… I also like how well the wrecked, stick-figure angularity of the this particular one is already developed. (I’ll plant one of the properly colored ones down by the farm sign, I promise.)

These creamy flower clusters were irresistible.

There are three of theses little red twig dogwoods. The variegated leaves will contrast nicely with the green wrinkly currant leaves behind them.

The other gloomies. Two nicely colored conifers. The juniper in the front will have a purplish cast during the winter, the yew in the back will be somewhat bronze. Both will head more toward full green in the summer.

Now I just have to be patient. And diligent with the deer repellent.