It was a busy garden weekend here at Black Dog Farm. We started with a trip to Molbaks to take advantage of their 30% off bare-root and b&b trees and shrubs.
We started with something to go in front of the three cedars. The early white blooms of this magnolia shrub will lighten up the dark corner.

Digging the hole for the magnolia was little nerve wracking. There are irrigation pipes everywhere. This one isn’t actually split — though all that water running into the hole made us nervous for a couple of minutes.

We added two other shrubs to the front bed. Spireas have nice little white flowers early in the spring and the bright green foliage will make a nice backdrop for more colorful flowers in the summer.

It was hard sticking to the bare-root section at the nursery. I did pretty well, but I just had to have these lenten rose for the library window.

The last plant we bought (and we had to go back for it with the trailer) was replacement for the Korean Dogwood that froze out 2 years ago. Redbuds are a lot hardier. Jim liked the shape of this contorted weeper.

We’re still playing catch up with rehabilitating the trees that were improperly planted 6 years ago. So far we’ve had two die. This cedar is doing okay but look at those roots, aren’t roots supposed to grown down?

The Black Dog Ivan. What can I say…

Things are starting to get going. This fat old peony is sending up it’s shoots. They’re so red! They’re also brittle.

Last October I fell for one of those mixed bags of spring bulbs. In this case reticulated iris and some unnamed species tulip. There were 25 or 30 bulbs (I think) I’ve seen three irises and 2 tulips. Bloody deer. Chewed them all off. I’ve never had much faith in deer repellents but I’m desperate enough to start throwing away money 😉

I also did some early trimming in the herb garden. The rosemary may have survived the winter. I can’t tell yet. One of the things I cleaned out was the washtub that holds the clothes line post and the mint. Hundreds of tiny mint plants.

Also coming up are the lilies. Time to put out slug bait.

I’m hoping for another dry weekend, there’s a lot of planting to do!