It’s a Big Dam Country — Final

Some inter­est­ing num­bers and ran­dom observations:

Total miles: 6804
Gal­lons of gas: 257
Aver­age price/gallon: $2.69
Aver­age MPG: 26.47

(i’m skep­ti­cal but con­sid­er­ing the cruise con­trol was in use for most of the non-pho­to-op dri­ving it could be possible.)

Hotels: 14
Pho­tographs: 3133
Spent on road food: $376.86
Blog Posts: 22 (not count­ing the chick­en update)
Hard dri­ves pur­chased: 1 — 320G

Dams vis­it­ed: 19
Con­flu­ences seen: 1
Con­flu­ences unseen: 1

List of dams:
Kit­ti­tas, WA — Wana­pum Dam
Yaki­ma, WA — Priest Rapids Dam
Kahlo­tus, WA — Low­er Mon­u­men­tal Dam
Hele­na, MT — Canyon Fer­ry Dam
Pierre, SD — Oahe Dam
Cham­ber­lain, SD — Big Bend Dam
Pick­stown, SD — Fort Ran­dall Dam
Yank­ton, SD — Gav­in’s Point Dam
Pano­ra, IA — Lit­tle dam on the Rac­coon River
Clearview, WV — Pike Island Lock & Dam
Han­ni­bal, OH — Han­ni­bal Lock & Dam
New­port, OH- Wil­low Island Lock & Dam
Felic­i­ty, OH — Cap’t Mel­dahl Lock & Dam
Greenup , KY — Greenup Lock & Dam
Mark­land, IN — Mark­land Locks & Dam
Lousiville, KY — McAlpine Lock & Dam
New­burgh, IN — New­burgh Lock & Dam
Win­field, MO — Win­field Lock & Dam
Jamestown, ND — Jamestown Dam

Look for improve­ments in the exist­ing blog posts (links and key words) and pho­to galleries.

Thanks to every­one for rid­ing along!


About the Author

Lara Harriger

1 Comment

  1. BubbaJ

    Woo! Road War­rior has returned!

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