It’s a Big Dam Country — Day 22

Oh my, it’s a windy damn coun­try. Blow­ing hard enough that the upwind car door is almost too heavy to open. Yipes.

I was plan­ning on two dams today but only made one. Saw a lot of oth­er stuff instead.

All along the roads there are trees plant­ed as wind breaks and plant­ed in between the trees area lilacs. Like these:

all colors from white to deep purple
all col­ors from white to deep purple

This set was locat­ed at Hwy 46 and 151st Ave SE.

very nice signage
very nice signage

This is 151st Ave SE. If you’ve been to our place you get the joke. 

just like home
just like home

Near the town of Ender­lin I found this church up on blocks in some­one’s front yard. 

better than the neighbors' impala
bet­ter than the neigh­bors’ impala
arty shot of the day
arty shot of the day

Ender­lin is a major hub for the Cana­di­an Pacif­ic Railroad. 

push me - pull you
push me — pull you

There’s a nice city park right next to the rail yard. I stopped for lunch and found this lit­tle guy look­ing for a drink.

looking for a drink
look­ing for a drink

Chat­ted with the UPS guy about the wind. I have noth­ing to com­plain about — I’m not dri­ving a big brown box.

After lunch I moved on the dam of the day. 

The Jamestown Dam is small­er than most I’ve vis­it­ed. It’s a Bureau of Recla­ma­tion dam that pro­vides flood con­trol on the James river.

jamestown dam
jamestown dam

There’s an out­let on the far side.

downstream side
down­stream side

The parks next to the dam includ­ed a des­ig­nat­ed kite fly­ing field. It thought it was a mod­el air­plane field when I first saw it. 

flying field sign
fly­ing field sign

There’s an open field and a line of pic­nic tables. All nice­ly landscaped.

wings on strings home ground
wings on strings home ground

I’m in Minot for the night. On to the con­flu­ence of the Mis­souri and Yel­low­stone rivers in the morn­ing. Because, damn it, the uni­verse owes me a con­flu­ence. Then the Fort Peck Dam. 

Ran­dom Notes:

The sound track from Grosse Point Blank is excel­lent dri­ving music.

Trav­el­ing Light should be on the Road Trip Music List. But which version?

Hav­ing a turkey vul­ture strafe your car is much scari­er than hav­ing a pheas­ant run out in front of you. Also turkey vul­tures have big feet.

Today’s Route:

View It’s a Big Dam Coun­try — Day 22 in a larg­er map

About the Author

Lara Harriger

1 Comment

  1. My ex-hus­band was from Jamestown. 🙂

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