Lawrenceburg Indiana to Louisville Kentucky.
Started the day late but I only had one dam on the list and the distance to Louisville from Lawrenceburg isn’t much.
But first a stop for some buzzard pictures. A deer carcass on the shoulder had 5 or 6 birds already working on it. A further 10 or so sat on the ridge of the two barns nearby.

I got a lucky shot of one of them leaving.

So somewhere out there, in the middle of the sort of country that hosts buzzards on barn roofs you will crest a rise and see — this:
One of the infamous “floating” casinos. Sigh.
Markland Locks and Dam spans the Ohio River between Florence and Markland Indiana.
I started on the Indiana side looking at the downstream side of the dam.

Then crossed the bridge to the Kentucky side to see what I could see. There’s an observation tower overlooking the locks.

For all the barge traffic that is supposed to exist on the Ohio River I have only seen two. Both glimpsed through the trees as I was driving. I hoped to see a barge go through the locks. No such luck. I did get to watch this little fishing boat make it’s way through.

First they close the gate at the upstream end of the lock. The boat goes in and ties up.

Then the water level starts to drop. I don’t know how they move the water out. There was no obvious outflow.

Finally they open the gate at the downstream side of the lock.

I got shots of another of the maintenance boats. This time much closer but with the dang fence in the way. This one is named Gibson.

At most of the dams there has been a certain amount of trash washed up against the dam. Mostly tree branches. At Markland there was tons of trash. Ugly mess.

That was the only dam for the day. It was last thing I’ll see on the river for awhile. About thirty miles form Markland at Madison Indiana the roads in both states take a turn way from the river. From there down to Cairo there only a few places where the through roads follow the river. I’m not sure how I’ll handle the rest of the trip down the Ohio River. If I continue to try to follow the river at all.
I did find a number of oddities on the rest of my drive.
This is the first barn I’ve seen with an advertisement for something other than Mail Pouch tobacco. Still tobacco though. Kentucky Club. There’s also a Mail Pouch ad on the other side. Not sure how the owner managed that.

Continuing the theme of boats parked in the grass, three tugs up on blocks. The Susie B, the Elsie B, and one whose name I couldn’t find.

I’ll end with three shots from Louisville.
A creative way to paint those little poles in parking lots. There was an entire row of them.

The barista who made my life saving coffee last night. I promised to put him in the blog.

The coolest BBQ wagon I’ve seen in a long time. There was no one in residence so I couldn’t ask questions about it. (Love that it has a smoker too.)

There won’t be much to post this weekend. I hope to get to McAlpine locks and the dam behind Falls of the Ohio on Sunday. I’ll be back on the road on Monday. No plan for which direction I’ll be heading just yet.
Today’s Route:
View It’s a Big Dam Country — Day 16 in a larger map
Sweet! Much cuteness with the itty bitty boat and the Great Big Lock. Facinating engineering too.
Epic FAIL on workflow plus couple of tech issues… need to revisit. Still made a couple hundred bucks in two hours.