From Ashland, KY to Lawrenceburg, IN.
Never far from raining at any point. I had the top down a couple of times but always had to stop to put it back up within half an hour. I’m getting a little tired of the misty, atmospheric stuff.
Started with the Greenup Lock and Dam.
Greenup is a little odd because they built the bridge right behind it. From a distance it looks like they just plopped the bridge deck on top of the dam.

I got a nice shot of the hoist that runs on rails above the spillway to lift the gates.

The last dam yesterday and both dams today were surrounded with huge picnic grounds. You can get a good long view from the picnic shelters but the ground slopes quickly down below the level of the locks and by the time you reach the chain link fence you’re shooting up at the sky (and you have wet feet.)
The Ohio River Valley never lets you forget that it is a valley. No matter how broad it gets or how far you seem to be from the river you can always see the hills on the other side.

Mail Pouch Tobacco is about the only sign you still on barns around here. The barns are in various states of repair but the signs are all weathered to just about this degree. There must have been one last summer of sign painting.

In Manchester Ohio I saw these folks setting up the carnival rides for this weekend’s Carnival at the River Barn.

Before the push to modernize the lock and dam system on the Ohio there were more than 50 smaller locks. Number 34 was Chilo Lock in Chilo, Ohio. There is a park, historical museum, and nature preserve there now.
This is the lock house.

The Ohio River tradition of parking boats in the grass continues with the Jennie Wade being up on blocks here.

Arty paddle wheel shot.

This pile of mess is actually two steam engines from the Wakerobin which was built in 1926 for the Lighthouse Service (later Coast Guard) and most recently serving as the USS Nightmare, a haunted Halloween attraction. She sank in 2005 at Hebron, KY. There are supposed to be plans afoot to restore the engines. I doubt much can be done with them.

But they do make cool rusty subjects.

The last dam of the day (rainy of course) Captain Anthony Meldahl Locks and Dam.
Two views looking at the dam behind the locks. One from slightly upstream and one from slightly downstream.

Using a long lens I was able to get this shot of one the of Corps of Engineers’ maintenance boats. It’s kinda cute — doncha think?

That was the last stop of the day. Then I got colossally screwed trying to get through Cincinnati via 52⁄50 at 4PM. Went a whole bunch north that I didn’t mean to. Ended up in Lawrenceburg, Indiana home of the Argosy Casino. Or something like that.
Today’s Route:
View It’s a Big Dam Country — Day 15 in a larger map
Lyric of the Day: (I heard it twice it stopped me cold both times.)
The look on your face yanks my neck on my chain.
(Neko Case)