It’s a Big Dam Country — Day 10

A day late — because the inter­net con­nec­tion isn’t consistent.

Final­ly home. Old home that is.

I rode the inter­state from Colum­bus to Pitts­burgh. The first unbro­ken inter­state stretch of this trip. Ugh. I just want­ed to be here (Pitts­burgh) rather than there (Colum­bus) as fast as possible.

No road pic­tures today. Instead a few shots from around my sis­ter’s house.

First up — the house. There are a lot of steps from the street to the house.

wolfe house
wolfe house

Nar­row city street park­ing. Yes it’s a two way street, and yes there is park­ing on both sides of the street. You learn to adapt.

my little car, my brother-in-law, stuff
my lit­tle car, my broth­er-in-law, stuff

My sis­ter’s gar­den is a lot fur­ther along than mine.

small white iris
small white iris

The old­est of my sis­ter’s girls Sarah and their dog Mylie.

niece sarah, dog mylie
niece sarah, dog mylie

Sum­mer sun­sets in Pitts­burgh are always pret­ty. Sarah took this pic­ture while we all were sit­ting on the front porch talking.

pittsburgh sunset (taken by sarah)
pitts­burgh sun­set (tak­en by sarah)

Tomor­row I’ll spend the day out and about — the sec­ond old­est ceme­tery in the city is just down the block and there are some won­der­ful views over the riv­er from the next street.

About the Author

Lara Harriger


  1. Kathy

    Wel­come home. 🙂

  2. Robbie

    *Damn* shoveling/salting those long steep steps in the win­ters… brrr/

    Hope you adven­ture goes well. Sounds as if your boy called off the
    “great ride” for tomor­row. I picked up Immu­nitea for Sooj, Ya’ll and Susan today at TeaCup. Will try to get it to him tomorrow.

    Have a lover­ly evening!!!


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